High quality
Competitive conditions
Trustworthy partner


Find our various terms and conditions here:


Article 1 – Definitions

In these General Procurement Terms and Conditions, the term:

1.1 FZ: the private company with limited liability established in Woudenberg

Ferdinand Zandbergen B.V., as well as its affiliates.

1.2 Conditions of Purchase: these general purchasing conditions of FZ.

1.3 Seller: the other party of FZ being the (potential) Seller/supplier or a

(legal) person on behalf of the (potential) Seller/Supplier.

1.4 Agreement: an agreement entered into between FZ and (one or more) the

Vendor(s) regarding the delivery to FZ of one or more goods or performing

of services, as set forth in the agreement as well as further or

follow-up agreements.

1.5 Goods: all goods to be sold by the Seller to FZ, as well as all goods to be sold by the

Seller to deliver to FZ and all goods to be delivered by Seller on behalf of FZ and all goods to be

perform services, as applicable.

1.6 Parties: FZ and Seller.

1.7 Incoterms 2010: the Incoterms established by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.

Incoterms 2010.

1.8 Force majeure: circumstances which prevent the performance of the agreement and which are

are not attributable to FZ and/or the Seller. Circumstances that in any case

“force majeure” shall be understood to mean, whether or not these circumstances existed at the time of the

contract closure are or were foreseen are: natural and/or nuclear disasters, riots,

sabotage, fire or other disturbances in FZ’s business, war and threat of war. This

enumeration should not be considered limited.

Force majeure on the part of the Seller shall in any case not include: lack

to personnel, strikes, animal diseases, default of Seller’s retained

third parties, transportation problems on the Seller’s part or by the Seller

engaged third parties, failure of auxiliary materials, liquidity and/or solvency problems

at the Seller and government measures (national or international) at the expense of the


Article 2 – Applicability.

2.1 These Purchase Conditions apply to and form part of all

legal relations between parties, in which FZ as (potential) buyer and/or client

occurs. In case Seller has other general (sales) conditions of

declares applicable, FZ hereby expressly disclaims them. This rejection of the

conditions of Seller and the applicability of FZ2‘s Conditions of Purchase.

are accepted by Seller.

2.2 Deviations from these Purchase Conditions shall only be made expressly and

in writing. Such a deviation has no effect with respect to any other

(future) agreements.

2.3 If, in any case, FZ does not invoke the provisions of this

Procurement Conditions is stipulated, this does not mean that FZ has thereby waived

of the right to rely on the provisions of these Purchase Conditions in other cases, however


Article 3 – Agreement

3.1 Every quotation and/or offer of the Seller is irrevocable, unless the contrary is

expressly appears from the quotation and/or offer.

3.2 An agreement is established by the written confirmation of the agreement

By FZ.

3.3 FZ shall not be bound by the agreement until after its formation, in the manner

as referred to in Article 3.2 of the Procurement Terms and Conditions. As long as the agreement is not yet

is established, the Seller cannot derive any rights from the relationship with


3.4 If, at the request of FZ, the order placed by it is modified or supplemented,

before granting this request, the Vendor shall write to FZ within 48 hours

inform of any impact on the agreed price and delivery time.

3.5 The Seller may amend or supplement the agreement only when such amendment is

or supplement is expressly agreed upon in writing between FZ and Seller.

3.6 In the event of an order change as referred to in Article 3.4 or Article 3.5 in which the number or the

quantity of goods to be delivered is reduced, the agreed price per

kilogram will not be increased.

In the event of an order change where the number or quantity of goods to be delivered is

increased, the agreed price per kilogram will have according to standards of

be reasonably reduced. Under no circumstances will the price per kilogram increase

than the initially agreed price per kilogram.

3.7 The content of an agreement is proven only by the purchasing/

order confirmation and any amendment or supplement thereto emanating from FZ.

Article 4 – Price

4.1 The agreed price includes all costs incurred in connection with the goods up to and including the

delivery are made. The agreed price includes but is not limited to

cost of storage and packaging, taxes, other charges, cost of transportation with

including demurrage, detention and (transport) insurance, unless explicitly otherwise


4.2 In the event of an increase of

one or more cost components (such as but not limited to raw materials and

labor costs, exchange rates or taxes and/or excise duties), the Seller is not entitled to

increase the agreed price accordingly.

4.3 If the Seller proceeds to increase the price, on whatever grounds, the

FZ allowed to terminate the agreement or through an extrajudicial

declaration, without owing any compensation for this

be to the Seller

4.4 The agreed price can never be changed unilaterally by the Seller.

Article 5 – Payment

5.1 Payments will be made in the agreed currency.

5.2 FZ will ensure payment within the term agreed upon by the parties. If there is no

term is set forth in the agreement, FZ shall, subject to the provisions of

Article 5.4 arrange for payment to the Seller within 30 days of receipt of

the goods.

5.3 Payment may be made either in cash or by bank The banking fees associated

with (international) payment are for the Seller’s account.

5.4 FZ has the right to enforce any claim against the Seller on any basis whatsoever.

offset against payments due to the Seller on any account, including

If the Seller’s claim is not yet due and payable. FZ is authorized to suspend payment

suspend until the Seller has fulfilled all its obligations to it.

5.5 FZ shall in no event be in default except after it has first been given written notice of default

set by the Seller giving it a reasonable period of time to still comply after

to come. This deadline will be extended once by the same number of days at the request of FZ

be extended if it indicates to the Vendor that it needs the relevant time

have to be able to comply as yet. Only after FZ also failed within the further

period(s) to pay the purchase price, it shall, except in cases of force majeure and after written

notice of default.

5.6 If FZ is in default, it is only liable to pay statutory interest

ex Article 6:119 BW on the invoice amount excluding transport costs, VAT and other

charges of any kind. FZ is also not liable to compensate

extrajudicial collection costs.

5.7 If there are multiple claims by the Seller against FZ, FZ is authorized to

determine to which claim a payment will be deducted. Without further appointment

payments from FZ shall first be deducted from the principal and then from

any interest and costs due (in that order).4

5.8 As the place of payment of all amounts under or arising out of the between

agreement entered into by the parties, of whatever nature, the office of FZ at

Woudenberg, Netherlands.

Article 6 – Delivery and risk

6.1 The delivery of the goods shall take place in accordance with the agreed ICC Incoterms

2010 delivery condition.

To the extent no ICC-Incoterms 2010 delivery condition has been agreed upon, the

delivery takes place at the time FZ takes delivery of the goods at the

agreed place.

6.2 Until the goods are received by FZ, the goods remain at the expense

and risk of the Seller, whether or not FZ has arranged for transportation.

The Seller shall arrange for insurance of the goods during transportation and

storage until the time of receipt by FZ, unless otherwise


6.3 The delivery dates specified by Seller are binding. Without written

permission of FZ, the Seller shall not be permitted earlier than the agreed

time to deliver. In the event of late delivery, the Seller shall immediately and without a written

notice of default has been sent, is in default and FZ is entitled to damages in

related to the delay. In any event, compensation shall be deemed to be

one percent per calendar week of the value of the late delivered goods in which

applies that any part of an entered calendar week will be counted as a whole

week, all without prejudice to FZ’s right to claim full compensation for damages.

progress. FZ may also choose to dissolve the agreement and

claim for damages.

6.4 If Seller is required to arrange transportation by sea, Seller shall provide FZ within two (2)

days after discharge date or if a bill of lading is issued, after

bill of lading date informing him of the commencement of such transportation (“the notice”).

This notice will in any case include the date of loading or

bill of lading date, the approximate quantity of goods shipped as well as the

identification thereof, the name of the ship and the port of loading. When FZ has a

has received a valid notice, that notice cannot be given without her consent

be repealed.

6.5 Regardless of the weight on transport documents, the weight weighed upon receipt of

the goods at the agreed place binding as gross weight. The net to be

Arithmetic weight is determined after inspection of the product.

6.6 If Seller is required to arrange for insurance of the goods during the voyage

bear, it shall provide for adequate and industry-standard insurance of the

goods during transportation and up to the time of acceptance

of the goods by FZ. Insurance must be purchased from (a) first class

European insurer(s) and in any event provide coverage for the invoice value, to be

increase by 10% plus freight if the freight upon shipment or however


Article 7 – Transfer of ownership

7.1 The ownership and risk of the goods pass at the time of delivery of the

Seller over on FZ.

Article 8 – Transport documents and other documents.

8.1 The Seller’s copy of the carrier’s uncredited copy for

receipt signed transport document shall serve only as proof of shipment of the op

the transport document, as well as the externally visible condition of the


8.2 Vendor is obliged to FZ in a timely manner all the transaction and/or sold goods of

provide applicable documents in compliance with the prescribed

terms and formalities, failing which Seller shall be liable for any resulting

damage is fully liable to FZ. This also applies with respect to satisfaction

to regulations of the European Union or other national and/or international

authorities and governments, such as – but not limited to – Regulation (EC) No.

178/2002 and related regulations.

8.3 All costs caused by or resulting from the preparation and

(delivering) the necessary documents are at the Seller’s expense, unless the

contrary is expressly agreed upon.

Article 9 – Obligations of the Vendor

9.1 The Vendor is obliged to provide the necessary documents and certificates of the

authorities, including customs and health and

inspection authorities, demonstrating that the goods are unimpeded and without

that further governmental formalities need to be fulfilled by FZ

may be imported, traded or processed for human consumption or the in

Agreement referred to apply within the European Union.

9.2 The Seller is further bound to ensure that delivered goods are carefully

and are properly packaged, are marked with a THT date, have all the

legally required markings, be free of foreign objects, contaminants and

substances harmful to health, also in compliance with all legal requirements and EU

regulations, and meet statutory temperature requirements.

9.3 The Seller shall ensure that the purchased goods are stored and transported

under at least the temperatures and conditions set by law and to the extent of

application that cooling chains are not interrupted unnecessarily. In addition, the

Seller to the general regulations in this regard applicable to the relevant

product. The Vendor regularly monitors and records the temperature of the refrigerated and

cold store and the temperature gradient during transport to FZ. Upon first request, the

Provide Seller with a copy to FZ for all registrations made in this regard.6

9.4 The Seller is required to maintain an HACCP and/or GMP system or a

apply hygiene code or quality system appropriate to

Seller’s operations, volume and nature of goods. The

Seller shall be required at all points of preparation, handling, storage or

distribution of goods, materials or equipment in contact with the goods

to the at the place of delivery and the place of destination of the goods

comply with applicable laws and regulations and, if necessary, to modify this at the first request of FZ


9.5 FZ is authorized to inspect the goods if required. Seller shall make all

reasonably expected cooperation from him.

9.6 The Seller guarantees that the goods to be delivered are in accordance with the agreement.

This warranty includes at least that:

a. The goods have the properties promised;

b. The goods meet the highest quality standards;

c. The goods are free of third party rights;

d. The goods are fit for the purpose for which the order is placed or the

agreement has been concluded;

e. The goods comply with the requirements imposed by or pursuant to law and/or otherwise applicable

rules and/or requirements set by FZ, including in the area of quality,

health, safety and environment, both in the country of delivery and in the country

of destination;

f. The goods provided and accompanied by all data and instructions necessary

are for proper and safe treatment;

g. The goods for human consumption, or if agreed upon for

animal consumption, are suitable to the indicated extremes

expiration date; and

h. The goods shall be provided and accompanied by all items requested by FZ and otherwise

necessary documentation.

9.7 If the Seller fails to comply with the obligations following from article

9.6 the Seller shall, at its expense and at the discretion of FZ at its first

request, replace or complete the missing, unless FZ prefers

termination or dissolution of the agreement and all this without prejudice to the other

FZ’s rights under a default, including but not limited to the

right to compensation.

Article 10 – Specifications and inspection

10.1 FZ shall, within a reasonable time after receipt of the goods by it or its

auxiliary person to inspect (or have inspected) the goods delivered by the Seller. Upon inspection, it will

weight are determined.

10.2 If the contract also includes transportation of the goods, the inspection may be

be delayed until after the goods arrive at their destination.7

10.3 If FZ forwards the goods without having had a reasonable opportunity to

these to be inspected, the inspection may be postponed until after the arrival of the goods at

their new destination.

10.4 If the goods are not in accordance with the agreement and/or FZ’s

set specifications, FZ is entitled to reject the goods. FZ will be the rejected

goods at the seller’s expense and risk (or have them stored).

10.5 If FZ rejects goods, FZ shall, within five (5) working days after the rejection of

notice of the goods to the Seller.

10.6 The Seller shall promptly, upon first request and at its own expense, remove the rejected

collect goods from FZ or at the location designated by FZ, failing which FZ

these goods without Seller’s consent at Seller’s expense and risk to

can return it. If the Seller refuses to accept the goods,

FZ may store or sell these goods at the Seller’s expense and risk

or destroy it.

10.7 The preceding paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of this article are without prejudice to FZ’s right to

additional or substitute compensation.

Article 11 – Sampling and analysis.

11.1 FZ may at the time and place of delivery to it samples sealed in triplicate

do pull in the usual way. Vendor and FZ may, if desired, control

pose when sampling.

11.2 The examination of quality and/or composition shall be made according to the currently

of research method(s) used if no other method is agreed upon.

11.3 If no sampling has taken place at the time of delivery, then this may be done on

still take place at a later date. The assessment and analysis may in that case

provide only a presumption regarding the quality at the time and place of

delivery. To this sampling, Articles 11.1 and 11.2 shall apply mutatis mutandis


11.4 In the event of a dispute over quality and/or composition, one of the in

Articles 11.1 and 11.3 as soon as possible, but no later than within

seven days, be subject to examination by an FZ designated


11.5 The result of the investigation shall be binding, subject to the right of either party

to submit a

counter-examination consisting of examination of another sample listed in Article 11.1,

to be ordered by another or the same laboratory. The result of the

counter-examination will be binding on both parties. Should the result of the

examination of the second sample be opposite to that of the first sample

regarding (non-)conformity of the goods, then the investigation of the third8

(final) sample by a laboratory to be designated by FZ not only binding, but

are also decisive.

11.6 The cost of the investigation will be borne by the party shown by the

final outcome of the aforementioned investigations will be ruled against.

Article 12 – Claims

12.1 FZ shall never be bound by any term set by the Seller within which FZ

It must be made known that the delivered goods are rejected or at least

Within which FZ must complain.

12.2 Even if only after processing or treatment of the goods or delivery to buyers of

FZ comes to light that the Seller has defaulted on its

commitment, FZ is authorized to terminate the agreement and/or

rescind out of court, and Seller shall be liable for all damages suffered by FZ

to be reimbursed.

12.3 FZ is at all times authorized to use the goods delivered by the Seller for the account and risk of

return to the Seller if there is a failure of the

commitment to delivery after which the Seller is obliged to pay amounts already paid by FZ

return or provide a credit invoice for unpaid in this regard


12.4 Following a complaint, FZ has the option, at the Seller’s expense, to replace the relevant goods

replaced or to be indemnified by the Seller for the

relevant part of the delivery.

12.5 The measurements and weighings as shown on the invoices submitted by the Seller or the

measurement or weighing letters are indicated, must be correct and, in the event of any discrepancy from them, in

negative for FZ, the payment due will be reduced accordingly.

Article 13 – Liability, indemnification and insurance.

13.1 The Seller shall be liable for all damages of any kind and without any

limitation imposed by FZ and/or subsequent purchasers or users, including the – ultimate

consumer of the goods delivered (whether or not in a processed state) is suffered as

due to a failure to perform the Seller’s obligations and/or

resulting from the acts or omissions of the Seller, or its personnel or by

third parties engaged by him. The Seller’s liability extends to under

more damage caused by death or injury, damage to third-party property,

business interruption and loss of profit or income.

13.2 The Seller is required to insure its liability in such amounts

as is customary in the European food industry. The insurance

coverage will be at least €5,000,000. The Vendor will provide FZ on first request

allow inspection of the policies in question and provide a certificate of insurance showing

this insurance coverage appears.9

13.3 The Seller is obliged to indemnify FZ for all third party claims in connection with

the agreement and/or in connection with the

goods and/or in connection with the acts or omissions of Seller or its

auxiliaries. To this end, the Vendor shall, at FZ’s first request, submit to a

any judicial or arbitration proceedings. The Seller is also required to provide FZ with

indemnify for all costs involved in such court or arbitration proceedings,

including the integral costs of legal assistance and extrajudicial costs.

13.4 The Seller warrants that the use (including resale) of the delivered

goods will not infringe (intellectual) property rights or other

(ownership) rights of third parties. The Seller shall indemnify FZ against third party claims

arising from any infringement of (intellectual) property rights or other

(property) rights of third parties and the Seller shall compensate FZ for all damages resulting therefrom

the result.

13.5 Any liability of FZ for damages of any kind is excluded,

except to the extent that such damage is from an act or omission of the partners or

management of FZ, done either with the intent to cause that damage or

recklessly and with the knowledge that such harm would likely result.

13.6 If partners of FZ, insurers of FZ, subordinates of FZ and/or persons

whose services FZ uses for the performance of the agreement, shall be

addressed, these individuals may invoke any waiver or restriction

of liability to which under these Purchase Conditions or any

other legal or contractual provision FZ may invoke.

Article 14 – Force majeure

14.1 FZ has the power to suspend the performance of all obligations to the Seller.

suspend and terminate the agreement or by means of an extrajudicial

declaration, without owing any compensation for this

be to the Seller, if force majeure as referred to in article 1.8 on the part of

FZ and/or Vendor occurs.

14.2 The parties will inform each other as soon as possible in writing of a (possible)

notify force majeure.

Article 15 – Performance, suspension, dissolution and/or damages

15.1 If the Seller fails to comply, properly or timely with any obligation

arising from the agreement or from these Conditions of Purchase then the Seller is

without notice of default and FZ shall be in default, without being liable to pay any penalty on account thereof.

to be liable for damages and without prejudice to the other rights accruing to FZ.

rights, with immediate effect and without judicial intervention, entitled to the

suspend performance of all its obligations and/or the agreement in question

rescind in whole or in part and/or claim damages and/or performance.

Damages may include lost profits, fixed costs, expenses

of labor performed, freight costs, any clearance and storage costs and other

consequential damages.10

15.2 In the event of dissolution by FZ, FZ is entitled, at its option, by way of

compensation until:

a. any adverse price difference between the contract price and market value

of the matters at issue on the day of the default, or;

b. the price difference between the contract price and the price of coverage procurement,

all without prejudice to FZ’s right to additional or replacement


15.3 FZ is furthermore entitled, without being obliged to pay any compensation on account of this

to be and without prejudice to FZ’s further rights, with immediate effect

and without judicial intervention, dissolve the agreement with the Seller,


a. the Seller is in receivership or bankruptcy, or threatens to be

condition, or any part of its assets have been seized;

b. the Seller dies, ceases its operations, decides to liquidate or otherwise

loses its legal personality;

c. revocation of permits of the Vendor that are required for the performance of the

agreement are necessary;

d. garnishment is levied against FZ at the Seller’s expense,

all without prejudice to FZ’s right to additional or replacement


15.4 If FZ dissolves the agreement, the Seller must pay any already paid

refund the purchase price and immediately return the items already delivered to FZ upon first request.

or at a location to be designated by FZ, without prejudice to FZ’s right to

additional or substitute compensation.

15.5 The Seller shall not be entitled to any claim against FZ on any account whatsoever.

Set off against any payments owed by Seller to FZ on any account whatsoever


Article 16 – Transfer of rights and obligations

16.1 FZ is entitled to transfer rights and/or obligations under the agreement to

carry to third parties.

16.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the Seller may have rights and/or obligations under

of the agreement only with the prior written consent of FZ

transfer to third parties. FZ may attach conditions to this permission.

16.3 The Seller undertakes to pay any claim(s) against its

insurance company to assign to FZ at FZ’s first request.11

Article 17 – Recall

17.1 If either party becomes aware of a defect in the delivered goods (including

packaging), then such party shall immediately inform the other party thereof,


a. the type of defect;

b. the affected cases;

c. any other information that may be of interest.

17.2 The parties will then consult with each other on all the necessary

take action. Measures to be taken may include, but are not limited to

deliveries are stopped, that the production of products is stopped, that the

stocks of products (whether from FZ’s customers or not) are blocked and/or that

a recall will take place. Only FZ is entitled to make the decision whether and which

of these measures will be taken and how their implementation will be

take place. Seller shall provide all reasonable cooperation in the performance of this

to grant measures, and to the extent that the cause is attributable to him, the

costs thereof, without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 9, 13 and 15.

17.3 The Seller is obliged to provide all information regarding actual or potential

measures to be kept secret.

Article 18 – Limitation

18.1 All claims against FZ shall lapse one (1) year from the date of the


Article 19 – Miscellaneous

19.1 The provisions of these Purchase Conditions do not affect any right, claim,

authority, plea, or defense that FZ has from any other provision or from any other

principal also allowed to accrue.

19.2 The Seller renounces all rights and powers which would accrue to it.

by virtue of the right of suspension, right of retention, or right of rescission of

the agreement.

19.3 In the event that any provision of these Purchase Conditions is void, such provision shall take precedence over the

place a valid provision that corresponds to and is consistent with the

purport of the invalid provision.

The parties are bound to discuss the text of the new provision, if necessary, with each other in

consult. The possible nullity of any of the provisions of the general

conditions does not affect the validity and applicability of the remaining provisions.

19.4 Representatives and subordinates of FZ are only authorized to FZ to

represent to the in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce

recorded amounts. By representatives and subordinates of FZ outside their

mandate agreements made do not bind FZ if they are not confirmed in writing by


19.5 Any person entering FZ’s premises, buildings or other locations shall do so – including

Of any vehicles, materials, etc. – at your own risk. The Vendor shall ensure

That such notice shall be given in advance to all persons involved who work for, on behalf of and/or in

acting on behalf of the Seller. Further, the aforementioned persons shall be responsible for the

in force and any guidance given and to be given by the competent authorities and/or FZ

follow regulations and instructions.

19.6 If the text of the agreement or of (one of) these Purchase Conditions in a

other than the Dutch language differs from the Dutch text, the Dutch

text and its interpretation preside.

Article 20 – Applicable law

20.1 The legal relationship between FZ and Seller is governed by Dutch law.

Applicability of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for

the International Sale of Goods) is expressly excluded.

Article 21 – Competent court

21.1 All disputes arising out of or relating to these Purchase Conditions or the

agreement(s) between FZ and the Seller will be settled exclusively by the

Rotterdam District Court.


Article 1 – Definitions

In these general conditions of sale, the term:

1.1 FZ: the private company with limited liability established in Woudenberg

Ferdinand Zandbergen B.V., as well as its affiliates.

1.2 Conditions: these general terms and conditions of sale of FZ.

1.3 Agreement: an agreement entered into between FZ and (one or more) customer(s)

regarding the delivery by FZ of one or more goods or the provision of services,

as set forth in the Agreement as well as further or successor agreements.

1.4 Customer: FZ’s other party or parties to the contract, as well as any purchaser of goods. At

these terms and conditions, Customer shall include the representative or agent of the


1.5 Goods: all goods to be sold by FZ to the Customer, as well as all goods sold by FZ to the

Customer to be delivered and all services to be performed by FZ on behalf of the Customer

excluding transportation, as applicable.

1.6 Parties: FZ and Customer.

1.7 Incoterms 2010: the Incoterms established by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.

Incoterms 2010.

1.8 Force majeure: circumstances which prevent the performance of the agreement and which are

are not attributable to either party. Circumstances, which in any case are not for

account of and not attributable to FZ are: conduct and omissions of

non-subordinate persons whom FZ uses in the performance of the agreement

makes; unsuitability or defectiveness of goods, of which FZ, in performing the

agreement; exercise by a third party against the Customer of one or more

rights, whether or not in respect of a failure of the Customer to perform the

agreement entered into between the Customer and that third party; strike; business interruption;

disease(s); import, export and/or transit bans; actions by governments or otherwise

competent authorities; transportation problems; unforeseen technical circumstances; non

fulfillment of obligations by suppliers and/or other auxiliaries of FZ; boycott

of FZ or its suppliers; weather conditions; natural and/or nuclear disasters;

riot; fire; molestation; war and threat of war. This enumeration may not be used as

be considered limited.

Article 2 – Applicability.

2.1 On all offers of FZ as well as on all agreements (and any extensions

thereof) concluded with FZ, as well as on all goods to be delivered and services to be performed by FZ

services, these Terms and Conditions shall apply. In case the Customer has other general2

terms and conditions apply, FZ hereby expressly disclaims them. This

rejection of the Customer’s terms and conditions and the applicability of these Terms and Conditions

of FZ are accepted by the Customer.

2.2 The Agreement prevails in case of inconsistency between the Agreement and

these Terms.

2.3 Amendments and supplements to the agreement and these Conditions may only be

be agreed upon in writing.

2.4 If, in any case, FZ does not invoke the provisions of this

conditions of sale is stipulated, this does not mean that FZ has thereby waived

of the right to rely on the provisions of these Terms and Conditions in other cases.


Article 3 – Offers

3.1 An offer made by FZ is always without obligation, which means that FZ is always entitled to change the offer.

offer to be revoked, regardless of whether there is a time limit for acceptance

must have occurred. Even after acceptance, revocation can still be made within two working days


3.2 Any offer made by FZ is subject to (timely), deliverability/

availability of what is offered.

3.3 FZ’s offer applies only to the Customer to whom it is made and applies only

for the duration of the validity period.

Article 4 – Agreement

4.1 In the event FZ has made an offer in writing, an agreement is established

After FZ receives the Customer’s written acceptance within the validity period by

confirmed by means of an order confirmation, unless FZ revokes the offer

in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.1 of these Conditions.

4.2 FZ is entitled (but not obliged) to accept verbal and/or subsequent acceptance received

accept as if made in writing and/or in a timely manner.

4.3 In the event FZ has made an offer other than in writing, the agreement comes

first established by the order confirmation from FZ to the Customer.

4.4 If delivery takes place without consultation on price, quantity, composition and/or

conditions, the Customer is bound by price and conditions determined by FZ for that delivery.

Article 5 – Price

5.1 All prices are in Euro currency, unless the parties expressly agree otherwise in writing


5.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon, all items mentioned by FZ and between parties are

agreed prices/rates excluding sales tax due by law and

any other ancillary costs, including, but not limited to, fees to third parties,

taxes, surcharges, import duties, levies as well as all interim increases

thereof, all of which shall be borne entirely by the Customer. Also, the costs related to

to transportation including demurrage, detention and (transport) insurance, loading and

unloading, taking back and/or processing packaging materials, and storage come entirely

for the account of the Customer.

5.3 In case the parties have not agreed on a price/rate, the prices charged at FZ on the

contract date prevailing standard prices/rates.

5.4 In the event of an increase of

one or more cost components (including but not limited to raw materials and

labor costs, exchange rates or taxes and/or excise duties), FZ is entitled to increase the

original price accordingly.

5.5 If FZ incurs costs in taking back or processing packaging materials, it may

pass these on to the Customer. Packaging materials that can be reused

(including but not limited to crates) remains the property of FZ and must be stored on

request of FZ to be returned. The Customer is liable for the costs incurred by FZ

should make to recover the packaging material.

Article 6 – Payment

6.1 Payment of all amounts due to FZ by the Customer must be made within

fourteen (14) days after the invoice date. Payment can be made in cash or by bank

violated. In case of payment by bank, the amount invoiced by FZ should be

be credited to its bank account within 14 days of the invoice date.

6.2 Payment shall be made in the Netherlands, unless otherwise agreed.

6.3 In the event of late payment, the Customer shall be liable to FZ for statutory commercial default interest

due under Art. 6:119 a of the Civil Code.

6.4 FZ may cancel all that it owes to the Customer at any time on any ground,

offset against what is owed to it by the Customer. The Customer, on the other hand, has

this authority to set off. Nor can the Customer rely on any

right of suspension invoked.

6.5 If the agreement provides for payment by documentary credit,

Customer must open an irrevocable and confirmed documentary credit for the

agreed date and payable by a bank to be designated by FZ for the

full amount of the purchase price, in exchange for documents to be designated by FZ, unless

expressly agreed otherwise in writing. Cost of payment by means of

bills of exchange, check or cash on delivery shall be borne by the Customer.

6.6 FZ is at all times entitled to require (partial) prepayment of or sufficient

require security for the payments (yet to be) made by the Customer. Until the4

Customer has done so, FZ is entitled to suspend the performance of the agreement.


6.7 If payment is not made on time or is incomplete, the Customer shall, upon expiration of the payment period of

default by operation of law. In that case, FZ is entitled to fulfill all of its obligations to Customer

suspend, regardless of whether a fixed delivery time has been agreed upon, and FZ is authorized to suspend the

dissolve the agreement and claim damages.

6.8 FZ is entitled to incur extrajudicial and judicial costs to collect the debt owed to FZ.

charge amounts due to the Customer. The extrajudicial

collection costs are due from the time the Customer is in default. The

extrajudicial collection costs are calculated using the Decree

Compensation for Extrajudicial Collection Costs (Official Gazette 2012/141) or the latest version

of that Decision.

6.9 Payments by the Customer, regardless of the denomination of the payment, shall be made first in

deducted from costs and interest due (in that order) and then from

the principal sum. Payments are used first to redeem the longest outstanding

principal. In case FZ allows payment in installments, the sales tax is

for the entire shipment is due upon payment of the first installment.

6.10 Payment shall be made in Euro currency, unless the parties expressly agree otherwise in writing.


6.11 If the Customer is in default of payment of any amount due to FZ or

is otherwise in default, or any of the situations referred to in Article 10 occur, all

amounts owed to FZ are immediately due and payable.

Article 7 – Delivery and risk

7.1 Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing between the parties, the

goods are delivered “Ex Works Incoterms 2010” and all risks related to the

goods to the Customer at the time FZ makes the goods available to the

Customer on the premises of FZ.

7.2 If it is expressly agreed in writing that FZ will transport the goods by road

transport, the Customer is obliged to provide the necessary shipping and

delivery instructions to FZ. The Customer must ensure sufficient

unloading facilities at the delivery address. If FZ transports the goods by road, in

case of national road transport, both within the Netherlands and within another

country, the AVC 2002, latest version, applies and in case of international transport

by road, the CMR Convention is applicable supplemented by the AVC 2002, latest

version. The 2002 AVC can be accessed and saved as a pdf of

http://www.fzandbergen.nl/GB/in/terms and conditions and they shall be provided upon first request

sent electronically or by mail.

7.3 The Customer shall immediately upon provision/arrival of the goods to be delivered in

receipt. If the Customer fails to meet these obligation(s) or fails to do so in a timely manner,

comes (come) the damages, losses and costs incurred as a result, including5

but not limitative, damages for delay, additional (storage) costs (if any) for FZ as well as

demurrage and detention, entirely at the Customer’s expense. If the Customer fails to provide the service within 24

hours after the goods have been made available/arrived, FZ is authorized to take the

store or cause to be stored goods at the Customer’s expense and risk. In addition

FZ then authorized to dissolve the agreement and claim damages.

7.4 The delivery times specified by FZ are indicative only. The Customer cannot in any way

manner derive rights.

7.5 FZ is permitted to deliver the goods in parts. In that case, FZ is authorized

invoice separately and Customer shall be obligated to pay such invoices as if they were

invoices for individual agreements.

7.6 Delivery to the person to whom FZ delivers the goods on behalf of the Customer and

therefore also to the person who collects or otherwise holds the goods for the Customer.

takes shall constitute delivery to the Customer. Improper delivery as a result of Customer’s

not or not timely provided or incorrect information shall be entirely at the expense and

risk of the Customer.

Article 8 – Claims

8.1 Goods comply with what has been agreed if they meet the legal

quality requirements in effect at the time the agreement was made on the

place where FZ is located or to what is specifically agreed upon.

8.2 The Customer shall examine immediately upon delivery of the goods whether they meet the

agreed upon and shall report to FZ within 24 hours any defect found

and confirm in writing, failing which the goods shall be deemed to be

delivered in accordance with what was agreed and the Customer cannot make any claims in this regard

assert any default(s) against FZ.

8.3 Upon delivery of the goods invisible defects, the Customer must, within 48 hours of

delivery to FZ and confirm it in writing, failing which the goods will be

shall be deemed to have been delivered in accordance with what was agreed and the Customer shall not be entitled to any

assert any claims in respect of the failure(s) against FZ.

8.4 After reporting defects as stipulated in Articles 8.2 and 8.3, the Customer must provide a

investigation report to be prepared by an independent expert and the Customer shall

send this report to FZ within 30 days of the report being made in the absence of which

of which the Customer cannot make any claim in respect of any failure(s) against FZ


8.5 Slight deviations with respect to specified sizes, weights, numbers, colors and

other such data do not count as shortcomings of FZ. Weight loss as

due to refrigeration or freezing also does not count as a failure of FZ.

Trade customs determine whether there are minor deviations.

8.6 All certificates issued in the country of origin, usually for importers as

apply conclusive evidence regarding the quality and/or condition of the goods,6

shall also constitute conclusive evidence to the Customer of the quality and/or condition of the


8.7 Without prejudice to the Customer’s obligation to demonstrate that the goods are not

comply with what has been agreed, Customer shall give FZ all cooperation to

any investigation by FZ into the nature and extent of the alleged injury.

8.8 In case the goods do not comply with what was agreed in article 8.1, the

At FZ’s option, FZ is obligated to either repair the defect or pay the amount paid by Customer

in respect of the goods in question, if and to the extent that the Customer demonstrates

That FZ is liable for the deficiency. Otherwise, FZ is not required to provide any

compensation for damages, losses or expenses.

8.9 Insofar as the Customer demonstrates that FZ has imputably failed in its

obligations, the Customer is only authorized to rescind the agreement after giving FZ a

offered a period of time to remedy the defects or the amount paid by Customer in respect of

refund the goods in question and FZ has not repaired the defects or FZ has not


8.10 Goods will not be returned to FZ without prior written

permission of FZ.

8.11 Complaints about an invoice sent by FZ should be made within fourteen (14) days of

invoice date must be reported in writing to FZ, failing which the invoice will be

deemed correct and the Customer cannot assert any claims in this regard against FZ.

Such complaints do not suspend the payment obligation.

Article 9 – Liability

9.1 If the delivered goods do not comply with the agreement, the Customer is only

entitled to compensation or price reduction. The Customer is not entitled to

dissolution of the agreement.

9.2 If the delivered goods do not comply with the agreement and FZ

liable to the Customer, any liability of FZ is limited to a maximum of the

invoice value excluding VAT and/or other taxes related to those delivered

goods provided that such liability shall in any event be limited to a

maximum of €50,000.

9.3 FZ shall never be liable for damage caused by death or injury or for

consequential, business, and/or intangible damages of any kind, including

in any case, but not limitative, shall include damages from business interruption, profit or

loss of income or loss of use by the Customer.

9.4 If the delivered goods turn out not to be in accordance with the agreement, FZ

– provided and to the extent that the delivered item is still present and retrieval is still possible – the

right to provide a substitute for it.7

9.5 When FZ engages third parties in connection with the agreed work, FZ is

not liable for the shortcomings of these third parties. FZ is entitled without

prior consultation with the Customer (also) on behalf of the Customer any

liability exclusion ground or limitation of liability on the part of

third parties engaged.

9.6 Limitations or exclusions of liability apply only to the extent that the

damage results from an act or omission of the partners or management

of FZ, done either with intent to cause that damage, or recklessly and with the

knowledge that those damages were likely to result.

9.7 When partners of FZ, insurers of FZ, subordinates of FZ as well as

persons whose services FZ makes use of in the performance of the agreement shall be

addressed, these individuals may invoke any waiver or restriction

of liability to which under these Terms or any other

legal or contractual provision FZ may invoke.

Article 10 – Food safety

10.1 The Customer shall comply with all the requirements arising from Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 and its

related regulations.

Article 11 – Indemnification

11.1 The Customer is obliged to indemnify FZ against all claims by third parties, including but not limited to

not limited to claims by government agencies, for damages related to the

performance of or relating to the agreement and the Customer’s under

Article 10 obligations to be complied with.

11.2 These obligations of the Customer as stated above under Article 11.1 do not apply to

to the extent that such damage arose from an act or omission of the partners or the

management of FZ, occurred either with intent to cause that damage, or

recklessly and with the knowledge that such harm would likely result.

11.3 Damage also includes damage caused by death or injury, damage to property of

third parties and consequential, business and intangible damages of any kind,

which in any case includes damage due to business interruption, profit or

loss of income or loss of use by the Customer. These damages include the cost of

legal aid and the judicial and extrajudicial costs that FZ had to

make to defend against third-party claims.8

Article 12 – Force majeure

12.1 If FZ does not fulfill its obligations due to force majeure as defined in article 1.8

towards the Customer, performance of those obligations shall be suspended for the

duration of the force majeure condition. FZ has the opportunity to fulfill its obligations as yet

to come after the circumstances that produced the non-attributable failure,

no longer exist or the contract or the part not yet performed, respectively

thereof without owing any compensation to the Customer.


12.2 In case the fulfillment of obligations attached to the unloading term, delivery term,

arrival time or other deadline are bound due to force majeure shall be

impeded or prevented, FZ shall have the right to rely in part on the cessation-

force majeure and “prohibition” clauses of FZ’s purchase contract.

12.3 FZ will notify the Customer of a force majeure condition as soon as possible.

12.4 If the force majeure condition lasts thirty (30) days or longer, both FZ and the

Customer the right in writing and without judicial intervention to terminate the agreement in whole or in part

rescind in part to the extent that the goods have not yet been delivered, without any in

that case there is an obligation to pay damages or any other payment,

except for payment due to undue payment or reimbursement of already

expenses incurred.

12.5 If delivery in instalments has been stipulated, the provisions of this article shall apply to each

term separately.

Article 13 – Dissolution and suspension

13.1 If the Customer does not, does not properly or does not timely comply with any obligation

arising from the agreement or from these Conditions then the Customer is without

Notice of default shall be in default and FZ shall, without being under any obligation by reason thereof, be in default.

to be liable for damages and without prejudice to the other rights accruing to FZ.

rights, with immediate effect and without judicial intervention, entitled to the

suspend performance of all its obligations and/or the agreement in question

dissolve or terminate in whole or in part.

13.2 In the event of dissolution by FZ, FZ is at its option entitled by way of

compensation until:

(a) any adverse price difference between the contract price and the market value of the

at issue on the day of non-performance, or;

(b) the difference between the contract price and the cover sale price;

(c) all this without prejudice to FZ’s right to additional to replacement


13.3 FZ is furthermore entitled, without being liable to pay any compensation on that account

are and without prejudice to the rights otherwise accruing to FZ, with immediate effect and

without judicial intervention, terminate the agreement with the Customer, if:9

(a) the Customer is in suspension of payments or bankruptcy, or threatens to be

condition, or any part of its assets have been seized;

(b) the Customer dies or ceases business, decides to liquidate or otherwise terminate its

loses legal personality;

all without prejudice to FZ’s right to additional or substitute


13.4 FZ is entitled to set off claims against the Customer against debts owed to the Customer, including

when the claims and/or debts are not yet due and payable or for immediate settlement


Article 14 – Transfer of rights and obligations

14.1 FZ is entitled to transfer rights and/or obligations under the agreement to

carry to third parties.

14.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the Customer may have rights and/or obligations under the

agreement only with FZ’s prior written consent to

third parties. FZ may attach conditions to this permission.

14.3 The Customer undertakes to pay any claim(s) against its insurance company on

first request from FZ to cede to FZ.

Article 15 – Retention of title and insurance.

15.1 FZ retains ownership of the goods it delivers, including the

delivered documents, until the Customer has fulfilled all its obligations. The by FZ

Goods delivered to Customer therefore remain the sole property of FZ – even after and despite

processing or treatment – until all claims are paid in full

of FZ in respect of goods delivered or to be delivered (pursuant to agreement) or (pursuant to

such agreement also) services performed or to be performed for the benefit of Customer,

as well as until payment in full of the claim for default

in the performance of such agreements (including costs and interest).

15.2 If the Customer is also obliged to pay damages, ownership shall first

proceed after the entire compensation has also been paid.

15.3 Subject to the provisions of Article 15.4, during the period of the

ownership of the goods still rests with FZ, obliges the goods under retention of title

delivered goods to be stored carefully and as recognizable property of FZ, and it may be the

goods do not transfer (sell and/or deliver) to third parties and/or encumber them with a

security law. The customer is also obliged to keep these goods for the benefit of FZ

insure on an “all risks” goods insurance basis with a first class insurer;

at FZ’s first request, the Customer is required to submit the relevant policy to FZ.

15.4 The Customer may, from goods to be delivered on to third parties within the normal course of

his business subject to the provisions below:

(a) in the event of full or partial resale/delivery of the goods, or the

item obtained by working or processing, the Customer undertakes only to10

sell/deliver under retention of title. The Customer undertakes to comply with the

resale arising claim and rights to be assigned to FZ upon first request;

(b) in the event of treatment or processing of the goods, the item so obtained shall be in the

replace the goods delivered. This also applies if the new product is

composed of goods supplied by FZ and third party items. If by one

or more of these third parties also a retention of title as referred to above,

was made, FZ together with these third party(ies) acquires the co-ownership of the

newly created case. To the extent necessary, the Customer already now establishes a non-possessory

lien on these items in favor of FZ;

(c) the Customer undertakes not to cause claims against third parties to be collected by others or

assign to others, or allow others in the rights of action

subrogate, without FZ’s prior written consent.

15.5 If the Customer fails to fulfill its obligations to FZ, or if FZ

has reasonable cause to fear that the Customer will fail in the performance of those obligations

fail, then FZ is authorized to replace the delivered goods at the Customer’s expense without

take back the Customer’s prior notice, without prejudice to FZ’s right to


15.6 If the agreement is rescinded by FZ and/or Customer and the goods are still subject to an

retention of title, Customer must immediately make these goods available to

pose of FZ. Customer is not entitled to set off its claims against this

respectively on the basis of this, its obligations to make available


15.7 With respect to deliveries by FZ of goods in Germany, the goods-

legal consequences of the retention of title as stipulated in articles 15.1-15.6 of

these Terms are governed by German law. In such cases, the

Articles 15.1-15.6 also the extended retention of title (“Verlängerter


15.8 The Customer or a representative/agent designated by the Customer is not authorized to

documents to third parties, pledge them to third parties, or any other right

thereon to third parties, until that FZ has confirmed in writing the purchase payments on

have been credited to FZ’s designated (bank) account.

15.9 If FZ presents documents to the Customer, this is done under the following


(a) presentation of documents to third parties shall be made only “in trust,” with other

words: the Customer holds the documents on an exclusive basis for FZ;

(b) until payment is received by FZ, the Customer shall, upon first request

of FZ to transfer the documents to FZ;

(c) the Customer must immediately notify FZ in the event that payment will not be made

in accordance with the contractual payment terms when the Customer is informed of this


Article 16 – Miscellaneous

16.1 The provisions of these Conditions do not affect any right, claim, power,

plea or defense that FZ under any other provision or on any other account

allowed to accrue.

16.2 Any right of suspension, right of set-off and right of rescission of the Customer is


16.3 FZ may attach conditions to its consents (if any), of

any kind.

16.4 The Customer shall provide all cooperation necessary or required to enable FZ to sufficiently

opportunity to properly fulfill its obligations.

16.5 Representatives and subordinates of FZ are only authorized to FZ to

represent to the in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce

recorded amounts. By representatives and subordinates of FZ outside their

mandate agreements made do not bind FZ if they are not confirmed in writing by


16.6 Any person entering FZ’s premises, buildings or other locations shall do so – including

Of any vehicles, materials, etc. – at your own risk. The Customer shall ensure that

such shall be communicated in advance to all persons involved who are acting for, on behalf of and/or on behalf of

of the Customer act. Furthermore, the aforementioned persons shall comply with the regulations in force there and the regulations adopted by

any regulations given and to be given by the competent authorities and/or FZ, and

instructions to follow.

16.7 Any invalidity or nullity of any provision of these Terms shall

not affect the validity of the other provisions contained in these Conditions

provisions. In that case, the Terms will be interpreted as if the

non-valid or void provision of this Agreement no part.

16.8 If the text of the agreement or of (one of) the general conditions in a

language other than Dutch, the Dutch text will be

and interpretation thereof preside.

Article 17 – Limitation

17.1 To the extent that the Customer’s claim under Article 8.2 and Article 8.3 has not already been

lapse, all claims against FZ shall lapse by the expiration of one (1) year from the date

of the agreement.12

Article 18 – Applicable law

18.1 The legal relationship between FZ and the Customer is governed by Dutch law with

except for the provisions of Article 15.7 to which German law applies.

Applicability of the United Nations Convention on International

sales contracts relating to movable property (Vienna Sales Convention) is expressly


Article 19 – Competent court

19.1 All disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms or the

agreement(s) between FZ and the Customer will be settled exclusively by the

Rotterdam District Court.

In Stichting vervoeradres, founded in 1946, work together: EVO, Business Organization for Logistics and Transport Goods Transport Netherlands
NBB, Nederlandsch Binnenvaartbureau

Transport and Logistics Netherlands, the business association for freight transport
The General Transport Conditions 2002 have been filed at the Registry of the District Court of Amsterdam under

filing number 81/2014 and from the District Court of Rotterdam under filing number 2/2015, respectively.

© 2015, Transportation Address Foundation

No part of this publication may be reproduced and (or) disclosed by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means without prior permission from the publisher.

Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8 Article 9 Article 10 Article 11 Article 12 Article 13 Article 14 Article 15 Article 16 Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Article 20 Article 21 Article 22 Article 23 Article 24 Article 25 Article 26 Article 27 Article 28 Article 29

Definitions 2 Electronic messages 3 Scope of application 3 Obligations of the consignor; termination of the contract of carriage 3 The consignment bill 4 Evidential value of the consignment bill 5 Freight payment 5 Instructions of the consignor 6 Obligations of the carrier 6 Liability of the carrier 7 Special risks 7 Presumption of liability exonerating circumstances 8 Compensation 8 Intentional and deliberate recklessness 9 Notice of damage 9 Right of claim 9 Right of delivery 9 Reservations of the carrier 10 Prevention after taking delivery 10 Carriage in stacks; On-carriage 11 Storage in case of non-appearance of the consignee 11 Storage before, during and after carriage 12 Right of lien 12 Right of pledge 12 Lost goods 13 Indemnity; Himalaya clause 13 Default interest 13 Limitation 13 Choice of forum; choice of law 14

Table of contents

Article 1


In these conditions, the following terms are defined as follows:

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Contract of carriage means the contract by which the carrier undertakes to the sender to transport goods by road.

Sender means the contractual counterparty of the carrier.
Mention of a consignor on the bill of lading does not automatically imply that the person so named is the contractual counterparty of the carrier.

Consignee means the person who pursuant to the contract of carriage is entitled to delivery of the goods to the carrier.

The waybill: the document prepared in three original copies, one of which (proof of receipt) is intended for the sender, one of which (proof of delivery) is intended for the carrier and one of which is intended for the consignee.

Auxiliary persons means subordinates of the carrier as well as persons whose services the carrier uses in the performance of the contract of carriage.

Force majeure: circumstances, insofar as a diligent carrier could not have avoided them and insofar as such carrier could not have prevented their consequences.

Delay damage: property damage resulting from delayed delivery of goods.

Written: in writing or electronically.

BW: Civil Code.

CMR: the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (Geneva 1956), as supplemented by the 1978 Protocol.

11. General Ferry and Barge Conditions: the General Ferry and Barge Conditions, latest version, filed by Stichting vervoeradres at the registry of the District Courts of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

12. General Storage Conditions: the General Storage Conditions, latest version, filed by Stichting vervoeradres at the Registry of the District Courts of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.


Article 2

Electronic messages

  1. If information, including that relating to the bill of lading, is exchanged by electronic means, the parties shall not dispute the admissibility of electronic messages as evidence in the event of disputes between them.
  2. Electronic messages have the same evidential value as writings, unless these messages were not sent, stored and recorded in the format and level of security agreed between the parties as well as in the agreed manner.
  3. A waybill drawn up electronically and signed electronically through the TransFollow platform has the same evidential value as the waybill referred to in Article 1. The electronic signature set through the TransFollow platform is considered sufficiently reliable.

Article 3


The General Transport Conditions apply to the contract of carriage of goods by road; if the CMR applies, the General Transport Conditions apply additionally.

Article 4

Obligations of the shipper; termination of the contract of carriage

1. The

  1. a) to furnish the carrier with all those statements concerning the goods as well as the handling thereof in good time

    do, which he is or ought to be able to do, and which he knows or ought to know, that for the

    carrier are relevant, unless he may assume that the carrier knows this information;

  2. (b) the agreed goods at the agreed place, time and manner and accompanied by the according

    Article 5 required consignment bill and the other documents required by law on the part of the consignor.

    documents available to the carrier;

  3. (c) clearly and efficiently address each package to be carried and, if reasonably practicable to him,

    affix the required information and addresses to or on the packages or their packaging in such a manner that under normal circumstances they will remain legible until the end of the carriage. The consignor may agree in writing with the carrier to replace the addressing of the packages with an indication of numbers, letters or other symbols;

  4. (d) state the combined weight of the goods to be transported on the bill of lading;
  5. (e) load, stow, and cause to be unloaded the agreed items in or on the vehicle, unless the parties

    agree otherwise or it follows otherwise from the nature of the intended transportation, taking into account the goods to be transported and the vehicle provided.

sender is required:

2. The
evade said obligations, and the consignor is obliged to compensate the carrier for the damage caused by the failure to fulfill said obligations.

consignor cannot, by invoking any circumstance whatsoever, attach himself to the requirements of paragraph 1 a, b, c and d

3. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 2, the carrier may terminate the contract without any notice of default, if the sender does not fulfil his obligations mentioned in section 1 under a and b, but only after he has set the sender a final deadline in writing and the sender has not yet fulfilled his obligation at the expiry of that deadline. If by setting such a deadline the operation


of its business would be unreasonably disrupted, the carrier may also terminate the contract without granting said period.
The sender, if he did not fulfill his obligation mentioned in paragraph 1(b), may also terminate the contract. Termination shall be by written notice and the agreement shall terminate upon receipt thereof. After termination, the sender shall owe the carrier 75% of the agreed freight without being liable for further compensation. If no freight has been agreed upon, the freight according to law, respectively usage, respectively fairness shall apply as such.

  1. Likewise, the carrier may terminate the contract if the loading and/or stowage is defective or if there is overloading, but not after the sender has been given the opportunity to correct the defect or
    undo the overloading. If the sender refuses to accept the defective loading and/or
    or undo the stowage or overloading, the carrier may either terminate the contract or undo the defectiveness and/or the overloading himself; in both cases the sender is obliged to pay the carrier an amount of € 500, unless the carrier proves that the damage suffered as a result exceeds this amount; section 3 does not apply.
  2. The sender must compensate the carrier for the fine imposed on him for overloading, unless the carrier has fallen short in fulfilling his obligations pursuant to article 9 paragraphs 1 and 5 or the carrier has not given notice of termination of the contract of carriage on the ground of the previous paragraph, without prejudice to his invoking bad faith on the part of the sender. If the consignor can provide proof of being fined for violation of Art. 2.6(2) of the Road Goods Transport Act, then this provision is null and void.
  3. Without prejudice to the other paragraphs of this article, the sender must compensate the carrier for the damage suffered by him in so far as such damage is the result of the circumstance that the carriage of the goods has been or will be prohibited or restricted wholly or in part by a higher authority; however, this liability does not exist if the sender proves that this prohibition or restriction was known to the carrier or could reasonably have been known to the carrier at the time of entering into the contract of carriage.

Article 5

The waybill

  1. When making goods available to the carrier, the sender is obliged to hand over to the carrier a waybill stating that these General Conditions of Carriage apply to the contract of carriage concluded.
  2. The consignor is obliged to fill in the waybill completely and truthfully in accordance with the instructions thereon, and he guarantees the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by him at the time the goods are made available.
  3. The carrier is obliged to clearly identify himself as the carrier on the consignment bill presented to him by the sender and to sign it and deliver it to the sender. If required by the carrier, the sender is required to sign the bill of lading. The signature may be printed or replaced by a stamp or any other mark of origin.
  4. The consignment bill may also be in the form of electronic messages in accordance with the format and level of security agreed between the parties as well as in accordance with the method of transmission, storage and recording agreed between the parties.


Article 6

Evidential value of the bill of lading

  1. On taking delivery of the goods, the carrier is obliged to check the correctness of the statement of the number of goods on the consignment bill as well as the outward good condition of the goods and their packaging, and in case of deviation to make a note of this on the consignment bill. This obligation does not exist when, in the carrier’s judgment, it would significantly delay the transportation.
  2. The consignment bill provides evidence, subject to proof to the contrary, of the terms of the contract of carriage and
    the parties to the contract of carriage, of the receipt of the goods and their packaging in externally good condition, of the weight and number of goods. If no reasonable means are available to the carrier to check the accuracy of entries referred to in paragraph 1, the consignment bill shall not furnish evidence of such entries.

Article 7

Freight payment

  1. The sender is obliged to pay the freight and further costs burdening the goods at the time he hands over the consignment bill or at the time the goods are received by the carrier.
  2. If unstamped consignment has been agreed, the consignee is obliged to pay the freight, the costs due owing to other reasons relating to the carriage and further costs burdening the goods upon delivery of the goods by the carrier; if he did not pay these upon the first reminder, the sender is jointly and severally liable with him for payment.

    If, in case of unstamped dispatch, the sender has mentioned in the consignment bill that no delivery may be made without payment of the freight, of the costs due owing to other reasons relating to the carriage or of further costs burdening the goods, the carrier, if no payment is made, must ask the sender for further instructions which he must follow, in so far as reasonably possible, against compensation of costs, damage and possibly payment of a reasonable reward, unless these costs were incurred through his fault.

  3. The carrier shall be entitled to charge extrajudicial and judicial costs for collection of the freight and other amounts, as mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2, to the person liable for payment of the freight and other costs. Extrajudicial collection costs are due from the moment the debtor is in default. Extrajudicial collection costs are calculated using the Decree on Compensation for Extrajudicial Collection Costs (Official Gazette 2012/141) or the latest version of that Decree.
  4. The freight, the costs due on any other account relating to the carriage and further costs resting on the goods shall also be due if the goods are not delivered at their destination, only partially, damaged or delayed.
  5. Recourse to set-off of claims for payment of freight, of costs due on any other account relating to the carriage or of further costs burdening the goods against claims on any other account shall not be permitted.


6. If the sender has not complied with his obligations mentioned in the present article, the carrier is authorized to suspend the departure of the means of carriage, and in that case the damage arising from this for him will be considered as costs burdening the goods.

Article 8

Instructions from the sender

  1. The sender is entitled to change the place where the goods are made available, to designate himself or another person as consignee, to change a given indication of the consignee or to give orders concerning delivery or to change the place of delivery, provided these instructions do not interfere with the normal business operations of the carrier. However, instructions regarding non-delivery that reach the person who is to carry them out in a timely manner must always be carried out.
  2. Instructions may be given even after the carrier has taken delivery of the goods.
  3. The sender is obliged to compensate the carrier for the damage and costs incurred as a result of following the instructions.
    If, as a result of the instructions given, the vehicle was driven to a place not previously agreed upon, the sender shall be obliged, in addition to compensation for damage suffered and costs incurred, to pay reasonable compensation in this respect.
  4. The right to give instructions expires as the consignee at the place of discharge accepts the goods or the consignee seeks compensation from the carrier for failure to deliver the goods.

Article 9

Obligations of the carrier

  1. The carrier is obliged to take delivery of the agreed goods at the agreed place, time and manner as well as to communicate the loading capacity of the vehicle to the sender, unless it is plausible that the sender is aware of this.
  2. The carrier is obliged to deliver at destination goods received for carriage in the condition in which he received them.
  3. The carrier is obliged to deliver the goods received for carriage to their destination within a reasonable time; if a period of delivery has been agreed in writing, delivery must be made within this period.
  4. If the carrier does not fulfill the obligation mentioned in paragraph 1, both parties may terminate the contract with respect to the goods that the carrier did not take delivery of. However, the sender may do so only after giving the carrier a deadline in writing and the carrier has not yet fulfilled its obligation at the expiration of that deadline.
    Termination shall be made by written notice to the other party and the agreement shall terminate at the time, when this notice is received.
    After termination, the carrier is obliged to compensate the sender for the damage suffered as a result of the termination. However, this compensation does not exceed twice the freight and the sender does not owe any freight.


  1. The carrier is required to check the loading, stowing and any overloading performed by or on behalf of the shipper if and to the extent circumstances permit. If he is of the opinion that the loading or stowage is defective, he is obliged, without prejudice to the provisions of article 4, paragraph 4, to note this on the consignment bill. If he is not able or in a position to fulfill his inspection duty, he may make a note of it on the consignment bill.
  2. If home delivery has been agreed upon, the carrier must deliver the goods to the door of
    the address, which is stated on the consignment bill or at the door of an address, which has been given to him in its place – with due observance of article 8 – in due time by the sender. If the address cannot be reasonably reached by a paved roadway or otherwise, delivery must be made to a location, which is as close as possible to the address originally given.

Article 10

Carrier liability

  1. Except for force majeure, the carrier shall be liable for damage to or loss of the goods and for damage caused by delay to the extent that the carrier has failed to fulfill the obligations set forth in article 9 paragraphs 2 and 3.
  2. The carrier is liable for the conduct of its auxiliaries in the same way as for its own conduct.
  3. The carrier may not invoke the defectiveness of the vehicle or of the equipment he uses to discharge himself from liability unless the latter has been placed at his disposal by the consignor, consignee or consignee. Material does not include a ship or rail car, on which the vehicle is located.

Article 11

Special risks

Without prejudice to Article 10, the carrier, who has failed to fulfill his obligations under Article 9 paragraphs 2 and 3, shall nevertheless not be liable for the damage arising therefrom, to the extent that such failure is the result of the special risks associated with one or more of the following circumstances:

a) b) c) d)


f) g)

transportation of the goods in an uncovered vehicle, when expressly agreed and specified on the bill of lading;

absence or inadequacy of packaging of the items that should have been adequately packaged given their nature or mode of transport;

handling, loading, stowing or unloading of the goods by the consignor, consignee or persons acting on behalf of the consignor or consignee;
the nature of certain goods themselves, which are exposed to total or partial loss or to damage due to causes related to this nature itself, in particular by ignition, explosion, melting, breakage, corrosion, decay, dehydration, leakage, normal loss of quality or occurrence of vermin or rodents;

heat, cold, differences in temperature or humidity of the air, but only if it has not been agreed that the carriage will take place with a vehicle specially equipped to protect the goods from their influence;

incomplete or defective addressing, numbers, letters or marks on packages; the fact that the transport involves a live animal.


Article 12

Presumption of liability exonerating circumstances

  1. If the carrier proves that, considering the circumstances of the case, the non-compliance with his obligations under article 9 paragraphs 2 and 3 could have been a consequence of one or more of the special risks mentioned in article 11, it is presumed that the non-compliance resulted therefrom. However, the person entitled to the goods vis-à-vis the carrier may prove that this non-performance was not caused, in whole or in part, by one of these risks.
  2. The above presumption does not exist in the case mentioned in Article 11(a), if there is an unusually large shortage or an unusually large loss of packages.
  3. If in accordance with that agreed by the parties, transportation is provided by
    by means of a vehicle specially equipped to remove things from the influence of heat,
    cold, temperature differences or humidity of the air, the carrier may invoke article 11(d) for exemption from liability due to such influence only if he proves that all measures which he was obliged to take in view of the circumstances were taken with respect to the choice, maintenance and use of such devices and that he complied with the special instructions referred to in paragraph 5.
  4. The carrier may invoke Article 11(g) only if he proves that all measures, which he was normally obliged to take taking into account the circumstances, were taken and that he complied with the special instructions referred to in paragraph 5.
  5. The special instructions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article must have been given to the carrier before the commencement of the carriage, he must have expressly accepted them and, if a consignment bill has been issued for such carriage, they must have been entered thereon. The mere entry on the bill of lading does not constitute evidence in this regard.

Article 13


  1. The compensation payable by the carrier for failure to comply with its obligations under article 9
    paragraph 2 is due, is limited to an amount of € 3.40 per kilogram; for other damage than damage resulting from loss of or damage to the goods, such as consequential damage, business stagnation or immaterial damage, the carrier is not liable under the contract of carriage.
  2. The number of kilograms used to calculate the amount referred to in paragraph 1 shall be the weight of the damaged or undelivered object as stated on the bill of lading.
  3. If the carrier is liable because he did not deliver within the reasonable period mentioned in article 9 section 3, the damage for delay is limited to once the freight; if the period mentioned in article 9 section 3 has been agreed in writing, the damage for delay is limited to twice the freight.
  4. Expert’s fees, salvage costs and other costs incurred to determine and realize the value of the damaged or lost or delayed items shall be considered a depreciation of that item.
  5. If the carrier is liable because it has fulfilled an obligation incumbent upon it under the
    Articles 8:1115(2) and 8:1118(3) of the Civil Code or of Articles 6(1), 19(4), 21 or 25 of these conditions,


failed to comply, any damages payable by him in this respect shall not exceed what he might be liable to pay in the event of total loss of the items involved.

Article 14

Intentional and deliberate recklessness

An act or omission by anyone other than the carrier itself, done either with intent to cause the damage or recklessly and with the knowledge that such damage would probably result, shall not deprive the carrier of the right to invoke any exclusion or limitation of its liability.

Article 15

Notification of injury

  1. If the goods with externally visible damage or loss are delivered by the carrier without the consignee having, on or immediately after acceptance of the goods, brought to the notice of the carrier a reservation in writing specifying the general nature of the damage or loss, the carrier is presumed to have delivered the goods in the same condition as in which he received them.
  2. If the damage or loss is not externally apparent and the consignee has not, within one week after acceptance of the goods, brought to the notice of the carrier a reservation in writing specifying the general nature of the damage or loss, the carrier is likewise presumed to have delivered the goods in the same condition in which he received them.
  3. If the goods are not delivered within a reasonable or agreed period without
    the consignee has, within one week after acceptance of the goods, brought to the notice of the carrier a reservation in writing, specifying that the goods have not been delivered within that period, the carrier is deemed to have delivered the goods within that period.

Article 16

Bill of Rights

Both the sender and the consignee have the right vis-à-vis the carrier to demand delivery of goods in accordance with the carrier’s obligations.

Article 17


  1. The parties may agree that the goods shall be charged with a cash on delivery fee, which, however, shall not exceed the invoice value of the goods. In that case, the carrier may deliver the goods only against prior payment of the cash on delivery fee, unless the sender has authorized the carrier to accept another mode of payment.
  2. If after notification of arrival it appears that the consignee does not pay the COD in accordance with the method of payment prescribed by the sender to the carrier, the carrier must request further instructions from the sender. The costs associated with the request for instructions shall be borne by the sender. The carrier shall comply with the instructions given to it, to the extent that it is reasonably


possible, against reimbursement of expenses and payment of reasonable remuneration, if any, unless such expenses were incurred through his fault.
If the consignor gives instructions, which imply, that delivery is to be made by the carrier in deviation of previously given payment instructions, they must be given in writing to the carrier.

In the absence of instructions, the provisions of Article 21 shall apply accordingly.

  1. The carrier is obliged, after a COD consignment has been delivered and the monies have been remitted to him, to remit the COD monies concerned to the sender immediately but in any case within two weeks or to have them transferred to his bank or giro account.
  2. The period of two weeks referred to in paragraph 3 shall commence on the day on which the goods are delivered.
  3. The consignee, who at the time of delivery knows that an amount weighs on the goods as COD, is obliged to pay to the carrier the amount due by the latter to the sender.
  4. If the goods were delivered without prior collection of the cash on delivery fee, the carrier is obliged to compensate the sender for damages up to the amount of the cash on delivery fee, unless he proves that no fault of his or his subordinates was present. This obligation shall not affect his right of recourse against the consignee.
  5. COD commission due shall be borne by the sender.
  6. All claims against the carrier pursuant to a COD clause shall lapse one year from the beginning of the day following the day on which the goods were delivered or should have been delivered.

Article 18

Carrier reservations

Under the application of these conditions, the carrier reserves the right:

  1. (a) to transport the goods in or by such means of transportation as shall appear to him to be expedient

    and if necessary keep the goods in such means of carriage, storage rooms or warehouses as he shall approve, whether these means of carriage, storage rooms or warehouses belong to the carrier or to third parties;

  2. (b) freely determine the route to be followed, provided that it also deviates from the usual route. He shall also be entitled to enter such places as he deems desirable for the conduct of his business.

Article 19

Absence after acceptance

  1. If, after receipt of the goods by the carrier, the carriage cannot reasonably be commenced, continued or completed or within a reasonable time, the carrier is obliged to communicate this to the sender. Carrier and shipper shall then have the power to terminate the contract.
  2. Termination shall be made by written notice to the other party and the agreement shall terminate at the time, when this notice is received.


  1. The carrier is not obliged to take care of further transportation to the place of destination and is authorized to unload and store the goods at a place suitable for that purpose; the sender is authorized to take possession of the goods. The costs incurred in connection with the termination with respect to the goods shall, subject to paragraph 4, be borne by the sender.
  2. Except for force majeure, the carrier is obliged to compensate the sender for the damage suffered by the sender as a result of the termination of the contract.

Article 20

Stack transport; transit transport

  1. If part of the carriage, whether or not after transhipment of the goods, is by inland waterways, the liability of the carrier for that part is determined by Articles 9 and 13 of the General Ferry and Barge Conditions.
  2. If, after delivery of the goods which he has carried, the carrier undertakes to have such goods carried further, he does so in the capacity of forwarding agent and his liability in that capacity is limited to € 3.40 per kilogram of the damaged or lost goods; no further compensation for whatever damage shall be due.

Article 21

Storage in case of non-appearance of the addressee

  1. If the consignee does not show up after notice of arrival of the goods, if he does not begin taking delivery of the goods, if he does not continue to do so regularly and expeditiously, if he refuses to accept the goods or to sign for receipt, the goods may be stored by the carrier for account and risk of the sender in the manner and place to be determined by the carrier with due observance of reasonable care – if necessary also in the vehicle in which they were carried – or stored; the carrier is obliged to inform the sender.
  2. The carrier may, subject to paragraph 1, also proceed to storage or storage, if the provision of security as referred to in article 23 paragraph 5 is refused, or if a dispute arises over the amount or nature of the security to be provided.
  3. Except in case of seizure, after the expiration of one week after the registered dispatch of a written notice of the intended sale to the consignor, the goods may be sold publicly or privately by the carrier for the account of the consignor without any judicial authorization being required.
  4. The sale may be made without observing any deadline and without prior notice if the items are subject to deterioration or if storage could be harmful or cause damage or danger to the environment. If no prior notice was given, the carrier is obliged to notify the sender after the sale.
  5. With respect to livestock, the period referred to in paragraph 3 shall be three days on the understanding that the carrier may proceed with the sale without observing any period and without prior notice if the condition of the livestock so warrants. If no prior notice was given, the carrier is obliged to notify the sender after the sale.


6. The carrier shall hold the proceeds of the goods sold, after deduction of the amount of any COD and a commission due to the carrier in connection therewith and of all that which is due to the carrier in connection with the goods sold, both for freight and for costs of storage or stabling and for other costs and damages, at the disposal of the sender for six months after the acceptance of the goods for carriage, at the expiry of which period he shall put the amount held at his disposal in judicial custody.

Article 22

Storage before, during and after transportation

If sender and carrier agree that the carrier will store the goods prior to or during the agreed carriage or after completion of the carriage, such storage will take place under application of the General Storage Terms and Conditions.
Shipper and carrier are accordingly designated as depositor and depositary, respectively.

Article 23


  1. The carrier has a right of lien on goods and documents in his possession in connection with the contract of carriage against any person who demands delivery thereof. This right does not accrue to him if, at the time he received the goods for carriage, he had reason to doubt the sender’s authority to make the goods available for carriage.
  2. The right of lien shall also relate to what imprints on the goods by way of cash on delivery as well as the commission due to him in connection with the cash on delivery, for which he need not accept security.
  3. As against the sender, the carrier may also exercise the right of lien for what is still owed to it in connection with previous contracts of carriage.
  4. As against the consignee, who in that capacity acceded to previous contracts of carriage, the carrier may also exercise the right of lien for what is still due to him in connection with those contracts.
  5. If upon settlement a dispute arises over the amount due or a calculation is required to determine it which cannot be made quickly, the party claiming delivery shall be obliged to pay forthwith the part on which the parties agree that it is due and to provide security for the payment of the part disputed by him or of the part, the amount of which has not yet been determined.

Article 24


  1. All goods, documents and currency values in possession of the carrier in connection with the contract of carriage serve him as pawn for all claims which he has against the sender.
  2. Except in the cases where the consignor is in a state of bankruptcy, has been granted suspension of payment or has been declared subject to the debt reorganization scheme for natural persons, the carrier never has the right to sell the pledged goods without permission from the court in accordance with art. 3:248 para. 2 BW.


Article 25

Lost business

If goods have not been delivered within thirty days after the day on which they were accepted for carriage and it is unknown where they are, they shall be considered lost.
If, within one year after the carrier has paid compensation for non-delivery of the goods to the person who was entitled to delivery of same, these goods or some of them appear to be (again) in possession of the carrier, the latter is obliged to communicate this circumstance to the sender or the consignee in writing, whichever has expressed the wish to this effect in writing, and then the sender respectively the consignee has the right for thirty days from receipt of such communication to deliver the goods against reimbursement of the compensation he has received.

of these matters. The same applies if the carrier has paid no compensation for non-delivery, subject however to the period of one year to start from the day following the day when the goods should have been delivered. If the consignor or consignee, respectively, does not exercise his right, the provisions of Article 21 shall apply.

Article 26

Indemnification; Himalayan clause

  1. The sender, who did not comply with any obligation which the law or these conditions impose on him, is obliged to indemnify the carrier for all damage which the latter may suffer as a result of non-compliance with this obligation, when a third party makes a claim in respect of the carriage of the goods.
  2. When auxiliary persons of the carrier are sued in respect of the carriage of the goods, such persons may invoke any limitation and/or exoneration of liability which the carrier may invoke under these conditions or any other legal or contractual provision.

Article 27

Delay interest

The parties owe statutory interest on any amount owed by them pursuant to Article 6:119 of the Dutch Civil Code. Article 28

Statute of limitations

  1. All legal claims based on or related to the contract of carriage shall be time-barred by the lapse of one year.
  2. To the extent that a carrier seeks recourse against a person whose services the carrier has made use of in the performance of the contract of carriage for what is owed by him to the sender or the consignee, a new period of limitation shall commence from the moment as stipulated in art. 8:1720 para. 1 BW, which period shall be three months.


Article 29

Choice of forum; choice of law

  1. All disputes arising from or related to an agreement for domestic road transport between parties domiciled in the Netherlands shall be settled exclusively by the competent court in Rotterdam, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
  2. All legal relations arising out of or related to the contract of carriage shall be governed by Dutch law.


Instead of a court decision, you can also choose to have your dispute settled by arbitration. The arbitration institute TAMARA specializes in conducting arbitrations in the areas of transportation, warehousing, logistics, international trade, shipping and shipbuilding. To represent the interests of road transport and logistics services, Stichting vervoeradres sits on the board of TAMARA. Since September 2011, the possibility of submitting arbitrations to the Logistics Arbitration Foundation has expired.

Do you wish to use TAMARA for dispute resolution? Then you can include the following arbitration clause in the contract of carriage:

‘Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to Arbitration in Rotterdam in accordance with the TAMARA Arbitration Rules. Section 29 (1) AVC 2002 does not apply to this agreement.’

Even after the fact, when the dispute has already arisen, the parties can commit to submit a dispute to arbitration. To do so, you must enter into a deed of compromise with the other party.


The Stichting vervoeradres facilitates the logistics chain with two-sided, widely accepted general conditions (such as the AVC). Central to this are balanced risk allocation, industry acceptance and clarity about the legal position of both sender (shipper), logistics provider and consignee. The Foundation maintains international contacts aimed at improving the legal position of parties in the logistics chain (as formulated in the CMR Convention).

Beurtvaartadres facilitates the logistics chain in the mutual exchange and storage of data on logistics transactions in order to reduce overall transaction costs. To this end, it makes knowledge, solutions and products available. Beurtvaartadres expressly strives to provide sustainable and socially responsible services and wishes to convey this awareness with its CSR policy to employees, customers

and suppliers. Beurtvaartadres is independent and acts on behalf of the business associations EVO, Goederenvervoer Nederland, Nederlandsch Binnenvaartbureau and Transport en Logistiek Nederland.

Beurtvaartadres provides its services from the following units:

Shipping address document

Burtvaartadres document ensures that businesses can send their goods with the correct legal documents, by road, water or air.


TransFollow facilitates the logistics chain with common user-friendly ICT systems for exchanging data and increasing data quality. Here, data integrity and reducing overall transaction costs using new technologies are paramount.

Shipping address customs

Beurtvaartadres douane facilitates importers and exporters in handling customs declarations and other customs obligations as efficiently as possible (digitally).

+31 33 285 9860 info@fzandbergen.nl

De Nort 21
3931 NE Woudenberg
The Netherlands

KVK: 30209275
BTW: NL815134484B01

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